Last posts - Something written over the years


Build a Federation of Multiple Kubernetes Clusters With Kubefed V2

I have found it really very interesting and I believe that it will be extremely useful. A step-by-step guide to building a Kubernetes federation for managing multiple regions’ clusters with KubeFed Source: Build a Federation of Multiple Kubernetes Clusters With Kubefed V2


Agile data science: Evaluation and baseline model

A different point of view on how the idea of Agile is applied also in the process of understanding and evolution of AI models Agile data science: Evaluation and baseline model Infrastructure that enables rapid prototyping for model development Source: Agile data science: Evaluation and baseline model


Machine Learning and Real-Time Analytics in Apache Kafka Applications

This article is very useful because it discuss and compare two different options for AI model deployment: model servers with remote procedure calls (RPCs), and natively embedding models into Kafka client applications. This example uses TensorFlow, but the underlying principles are also valid for other machine learning/deep learning frameworks or products, such as, Deeplearning4j, Google’s Cloud Machine Learning Engine, and SAS. Is very useful also the other details on this topic, present on the video recording and slides from my Kafka Summit San Francisco 2019 presentation: Event-Driven Model Serving: Stream Processing vs. RPC with Kafka and TensorFlow. Learn how...


Siamo al “NET MAKERS”

Lo sapevi che alle 15:00 all’interno della sezione Cloud e Servizi: Modelli, novità e casi d’uso presenteremo il caso di studio Wavefier al Workshop GARR 2019 – NET MAKERS? Ero presente come speaker in questa discussione, di seguito anche il video nel nostro intervento Ma in generale possibile seguire tutti gli interessanti interventi tramite la piattaforme di streaming del garr

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Is not only a “Gentle Introduction to Kubernetes”

I want to report this article because it is really a gold mine! you start from scratch, you install Python, you develop an App, you run the container, you install k8s and you get to discuss about deploying on k8s… Do you want anything else? In this story, we’re going to use learn how to deploy Kubernetes services and Ambassador API gateway. We are going to examine the… Source: A Gentle Introduction to Kubernetes Author Aymen EL Amri ( and contributors) are really precise and provide the work done (probably) in a workshop on k8s: Slide available here. Original article...


Micro Frontends

“Good frontend development is hard. Scaling frontend development so that many teams can work simultaneously on a large and complex product is even harder.”  This is the prelude to the very interesting article written by Cam Jackson where we propose a different method to create a scalable and complex web interface. Please read it carefully How to split up your large, complex, frontend codebases into simple, composable, independently deliverable apps. Source: Micro Frontends


Design Patterns for Microservices

A nice article, a concise list of “Design Patterns for Microservices”, very useful as a reference and as a starting point for in-depth studies on the subject! Well done   Design Patterns for Microservices A detailed description of many design patterns for Microservices. Source: DZone or Madhuka Udantha blog

Event Architecture

Useful event-sourcing Pattern!

A very interesting article that I find very useful! Here are shared some of the common producer models, which show how to transform a classic architecture to an Event Sourcing model. Below is the link to the complete article! In part one, we learned about how at Nordstrom we’ve been exploring and implementing event-sourcing as an architectural pattern. In part… Source: Event-sourcing at Nordstrom: Part 2 Here a scort preview of patter Produce directly to the ledger at the moment of the event Transform an existing stream Write-through a database and use change data capture Poll an existing request/response service...